Mr. Besikof is a Partner in the Litigation Support and Business Valuation Division at Lurie Besikof Lapidus and Company, LLP. He is responsible for a range of accounting, tax and consulting services. Mr. Besikof works with companies in various industries including real estate, advertising, service, manufacturing and distribution industries providing audit, tax and consulting services. Mr. Besikof’s litigation support and business valuation practice includes engagements for a wide variety of cases involving valuations, forensic accounting, patent infringement, trade secrets, shareholder and contract disputes and business interruption. He has also performed business valuations for companies and intellectual property for estate and gift, dispute, and transactions. Mr. Besikof is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin with a Master’s in Accounting and a Bachelor of Business Administration degree in Accounting. He is a Certified Public Accountant, licensed by the Minnesota and South Dakota Boards of Accountancy. Mr. Besikof is Certified in Financial Forensics (CFF) by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA). He is a member of the AICPA and the Minnesota Society of Certified Public Accountants. Mr. Besikof is a Certified Management Accountant and is a member of the Institute of Management Accountants. Mr. Besikof is a Certified Valuation Analyst and a member of the National Association of Certified Valuation Analysts. He is a Certified Licensing Professional (CLP™) and a member of the Licensing Executive Society. Mr. Besikof is an associate member of the American Bar Association. Mr. Besikof was a member of the AICPA’s Relationship with the Bar Committee. Mr. Besikof began his career at a Big Four Accounting firm. He served as the Chief Financial Officer of a manufacturing company where he was responsible for all financial and operational aspects of the company including financial reporting, manufacturing, distribution, import/export and licensing. He has been an instructor for the Becker/Conviser CPA and CMA Review Courses. Mr. Besikof currently serves on the Board of a Minneapolis-based Sports Management Firm. Mr. Besikof serves on Board of Directors and various committees for local nonprofit organizations. Mr. Besikof is a 2010 recipient of the Minneapolis St. Paul Business Journal’s“Forty Under Forty” award.
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